Boat Cleaning Marina Del Rey, CA
"Santa Monica Hair Salon Emergency Care"
Boat cleaning in Marina Del Rey, CA leads to hair cleaning in Santa Monica, CA.How does a nice sail to Catalina Island and back lead to a hair emergency for me?
Well, it happens when I did nothing to protect my hair on the trip. The sun, wind, sea hair and ocean moisture all conspired to make my hair a mess.
Similarly, some of the same elements fouled the bottom of our boat and made it a mess.
Our boat bottom was not cleaned in the last 2 months.
Therefore, algae, slime, barnacles and galvanic corrosion does a job on the hull of your boat and metal running gear.
It took as twice as long to get home as it did to get to Catalina.
It was as though there was some kind of drag on our speed and acceleration on the return trip to our boat slip in Marina Del Rey, CA.
So for my hair I went to Next Salon, 310-392-6646, 2400 Main Street in Santa Monica, Ca 90405.
My hair was cleaned, colored, styled and straightened by the Keratin Brazilian Blowout process.
I found enough information at Santa Monica|Los Angeles Hair Salon to make me confident Next Salon was the place for me.
By the same token, We knew we were in trouble for not signing up for regular boat hull cleaning, Marina Del Rey.
Boat bottom cleaning is necessary for our boat's health.
It can save up to 45% on fuel costs by remove marine growth from the boat hull.
Boat Cleaners will remove barnacles and other animal life that can foul my instruments and metal parts like my boat propeller and propeller shaft.
Boat hull cleaning will eliminate the drag slowing us from top speed and acceleration.
Boat cleaning, Marina Del Rey will replace zinc anodes which prevents galvanic corrosion. Depleted Zinc anodes will permit corruption of the metal running gear on the hull.
I learned a lot of this by reading the FAQ's on a web page I found.
This web page also let me sign up for a FREE boat bottom inspection from a Marina Del Rey Boat Cleaning Services company.
Therefore, I recommend you Click Here Now ==> Boat Cleaning|Cleaners|Clean Marina Del Rey. An insured, licensed, experienced boat bottom cleaning company will call you. No work on your part.
Best of all I now get to enjoy my boat rather than working so hard on it.
So you see, there is a connection between dirty hair and a dirty boat.
There are solutions for both.
The entire process can be very exhausting and time consuming if you make this a "Do It Yourself" project.
You can make yourself a dirty, smelly and very tired deckhand if want another job for yourself.
You can spend hours on your hair if you have nothing better to do.
It both cases the better part of valor is to write a check or swipe a credit card.
In other words let the experts do it.
Once again check Next Salon here Hair Salon in Los Angeles|Santa Monica|CA|90405.
Terminate the deckhand (you) by signing up here Boat|Bottom|Hull|Cleaning|Cleaners|Clean Marina Del Rey|CA|90292.
You'll thank me for it.
Even better, your yacht and your hair will.
Captain Jenny
Ex Santa Monica Hair Stylist and Marina Del Rey Boat Cleaner
Copyright © 2010, All rights reserved Boat Cleaning|Cleaners|Clean Marina Del Rey
I know exactly how you feel about my hair and my boat cleaning in Marina Del Rey.
In-water boat hull cleaning saves me a top of money by not hauling my boat out of the water for periodic service.
It extends haul outs by about one year.
Anyway, another story at Marina Del Rey Propeller Repair caught my attention. Check it out.
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